Investigaciones - Derecho Internacional

Libro: States’ authentic interpretation  of international investment  agreements as a means for  improving the investor-state  dispute settlement system (2024)

States’ authentic interpretation of international investment agreements as a means for improving the investor-state dispute ...

La investigación aborda la interpretación auténtica de tratados en el marco de la inversión internacional, enfocándose en su potencial para optim...

Libro: The scope and limits of the Jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights established in art. 25 of. The Convention statute of the Central American Court of Justice.

The scope and limits of the Jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights established in art. 25 of. The Convention sta...

This research, conducted by Diego Cuarezma Zapata, who holds the position of Director of the Master's Program in International Law at the Institute fo...